Saturday, August 3, 2024

Rescue Operation in 54mm


"Welcome Miss Patricia Reynolds. I trust your ride with my horsemen was tolerable. But how I go on. Permit me to introduce myself. My name is - Ragnar Khan."

"Sir, I demand to know why you brought me here - and where is here?"

"Why you are here is to permit the great powers to rescue you. As to the location, we are in the Ruins of Undunga on Manzibar Island between the Indian Sub-Continent and the east coast of Africa. Didn't the the Star of Bombay's Captain reveal your destination?"

"No he did not! This is preposterous. Why would any great power care about me?"

"You underestimate yourself Miss Reynolds. We'll talk about it later. Meanwhile, I have someone you should be pleased to see again."

"Miss Reynolds, I believe you know Miss Penelope Faversham. You both attended the Grand Ball at  Delhi's Imperial Hotel."

"Well yes, though how you know this is a mystery."

"Ah oui. Well, there are duties now calling upon me. So why don't the two of you get reacquainted. I'll drop by later and escort you to supper. Adieu."

"He is a cheeky fellow, Patricia."

"Mad is more like it, I should say!"

"There is no point continuing to use our incognito names. He knows, Patricia, that you are really, Alexandra Roosevelt."

"And that you, Penelope, are actually Princess Alice Windsor?"


"No. They will not run. Where could they possibly hide for long? Just keep your eyes on them and report any suspicious behavior to me without delay. Should they be harmed by anyone, you will not see the next sunrise. Do you understand, Tangarore?"

"Très bon!"
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All characters are fictitious as is Manzibar Island.

The above is the backdrop introducing  a tabletop rescue operation using 54mm collections of Rob O., Jim P. (Der Alte Fritz) Joe G. and yours truly, Bill P, Chronicler for The Adventures of General Pettygree. Our regional pards will move units and throw dice as we play this scenario several times.

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Quantrilltoy said...

The are lovely looking figures and with an interesting story background.

Stryker said...

Excellent - and great work whoever painted those figures!

Der Alte Fritz said...

I’m looking forward to playing the game. It sounds like there are many mysteries to unfold.

tradgardmastare said...

Awaiting the next chapter with interest and excitement.
Alan Tradgardland