Sunday, August 11, 2024

RESCUE IN 54mm Imperial Attack #3


"My Ladies, your rescuers plan to attend you this day. Splendid as they come on, aren't they? Would you...."

Princess Alice stopped him from saying more remarking, "You are cool in the face of impending destruction, Ragnar Khan. I see none of your warriors opposing our rescuers."

"I was about to offer a safer location for you and Miss Roosevelt. But now.... Why don't we remain here observing as bullets begin flying, perhaps in our direction? Let's watch, shall we?"


"Observe their few numbers compared to my warriors suddenly appearing from cover."

That is only the Royal Marine spear point, Sir," said the Princess. "More...."

"Royal Marines and Highlanders follow from directly behind," added Alice.

"Plus a line of Bluejackets in reserve, I assume."

"Destruction looms for your Imperials, Princess Alice. See how my warriors storm into hand to hand combat. We will excel with our long sharp blades and nerve."

"Ha, your brave rescuers retreat," smirked the Khan.

"Yes, Ragnar Khan," continued Alice, "only to establish a new line."

"Some even form in a shallow pond to oppose your warriors. I foresee your end Ragnar Khan. Your impertinent people now fail to continue their forward aggression. Wavering."

On A Side Table
Unbeknownst to Ragnar Khan II and the Ladies

The American Commander became aware of a defile to attack Ragnar Khan's forces in the flank and took advantage of it. A troop of cavalry and one company of infantry left the beach area off the bottom of this image hurriedly turning left covered by a high ridge.  

While a unit of Khan's spearmen losing their way entered the other end of the defile seeking friends to join.

Each foe suddenly found each other. Spears were thrown and shots were fired.

The Reaction Table caused the natives to abandon the field as their foes pursued.

The cavalry came on fast in pursuit. They are at the edge of the Side Table. The Main Table lies three feet away but the latter distance is only a gap in which players walk and sit. In reality the Side and Main Tables are adjacent without a gap.

We now return to the Main Table....


"Mr. Khan, I demand that you immediately cease this senseless slaughter. By what right do you shed blood, and much less contain the Princess and myself?" My country, my family will...."

"I have every right in the world as a sovereign, my dear Miss Alexandra Elizabeth Roosevelt."

"You've had your say, my lady. Nothing can stop me. Now let us observe how your Americans fight."

"I see them Mr. Khan - briskly advancing, blue uniforms on their left and khaki on their right," said Roosevelt.

Unfortunately there are no photos but warriors erupted out of the vegetation fighting several rounds of melee versus the blues. The latter prevailed with a severe loss of men.

"I see my Khaki clad soldiers leveling rifles at your warriors."

"And look there! Our cavalry rides into your flank," shouted Roosevelt.

"It will do them no good! Notice my clever warriors springing an ambush hurling spears into them and fighting with swords too?", said Khan.

"But no, your spearmen are beginning to run!," shouted Roosevelt. (Not pictured)


Indeed they did run and very few warriors remained to fight the Americans. Over on the other flank Khan's warriors realized they could not break the foe there.

By 2:00pm it was apparent we had reached a denouement for Ragnar Khan. Both sides had fought well and suffered many casualties. For this see Closing Remarks below.

So as the Game Judge I asked the other four players if they thought it was worth continuing the fight. None agreed this was a good idea. Therefore, we used a pause in the battle to redeploy. The warriors withdrew behind the shallow stream passing in front of the Undunga Ruins followed by the Imperials reorganizing into a routine line of battle. We assume several hours transpired for this redeployment. Below is what things looked like as the sun began to set.

Ragnar Khan's Left Flank.

His Center.

I commanded the lancers marching them uselessly when I remembered them!
Khan's Right Flank.


"Excellency? What is your will?"

"We will bring forward our hidden allied reinforcements. They arrive tonight by the Full Moon," said Ragnar Khan.

"And Excellency, if they fail to arrive?"

"Then we shall invite the ladies to join us in the submersible boat and pass through the cave tunnel below the reef. Afterwards we will resume vexing the great powers," whispered Khan.


1. The Gang of Five seated left to right: Jim P. (Der Alte Fritz) and Kurt D. Standing left to right: Rob O. Chuck The Lucky and Yours Truly Bill P. (Chronicler for The Adventures of General Pettygree)

2. Miniatures: We use what we have.

4. 54-60mm Manufacturers: Armies in Plastic, Britain's, John Jenkins Designs, King and Country and one more which I can't remember from the UK whose owner passed away. Treefrog Miniatures sells all of these except Armies in Plastic. Both companies give superior service.

4. Imperial Left Flank: Chuck The Lucky: 
1 Mounted Officer who survived
33 Highlanders of which 4 were lost.
34 Royal Marines of which 11 were lost.
Gardner Mechanical Gun and 6 crew of which 0 were lost.
26 Bluejacket Shore Party of which 0 were lost. (Unengaged)
100 Miniatures of which 15 were lost. (15%)

Opposed By Jim P. Der Alte Fritz
91 Warriors of which 37 were lost. (41%)

5. Imperial Right Flank: Rob O.
49 Khaki Infantry of which 10 were lost.
25 Blue Infantry of which 14 were lost.
14 Cavalry of which 7 were lost.
88 Miniatures of which 31 were lost. (35%)

Opposed By Kurt D.
92 warriors of which 50 were lost. (54%)

6. Grand Totals
Imperials: 188 Miniatures of which 46 were lost. (25%)
Warriors: 183* of which 81 were lost. (44%)
*12 Lancers not included guarding Ragnar Khan. (Unengaged)

7. We hope to resume the tabletop game next month. Return here for news and....

8. Write your comments below, if you please.

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1 comment:

Quantrilltoy said...

I loved those red coated cavalry with Japanese heads on British cavalry bodies.