Wednesday, October 2, 2024


A Fortnight Later - Cliffside Manor
Detective Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson

"Holmes, do you not find it peculiar that we are bringing such news to General Pettygree?"

"My dear Doctor Watson, when my brother Mycroft offered luncheon at the Diogenes Club this Monday past, I surmised because of its rarity and deduced singular importance to accept."

I interrupted, "Yes, naturally, but surely we are the most unusual of couriers quite outside the military chain of command."

"As you know, Watson,  from your Army service in Afghanistan, there are often more than two explanations for events. One is for the public at breakfast reading The Times to prevent indigestion to advance an agenda whilst another is quite a different more real truth known to few."

"But Mycroft is a government auditor of plans and books. How could he...?"

"That is a protective deception in itself. Reason with me. When he came to me with you kindly present about the submarine plans...."

"Ah, the Bruce Partington plans. I remember now. Very plain now that you say it."

"Ergo, my dear fellow, such a grave case would never be known to a mere auditor."

"Then he is higher in government than people realize."

"I do not exaggerate to believe though I do not know for certain, that he is the government."

"And now unless I am very much mistaken, there is the General digging in his garden. Let us proceed on our mission, shall we?"

"General! - Hello!," announced Holmes.

"Gentlemen, this is an extraordinary pleasure seeing you again. What brings you to Cliffside Manor, if I may ask without further ado."

"A matter of the gravest import Sir, which you will hear nowhere else," explained Holmes.

"Really? Shall we go inside, then?"

"No General, we must be discreet though your servants may be secure. There is not a minute to lose. I must be quick in explanation because an officer of The Guides is en-route with official news this afternoon.  Watson and I bring different information from the highest government source upon which you may more readily rely before he arrives," said Holmes.  
"Commence, if you please," stated Pettygree grimly.

"And so my companion, Holmes, related the entire matter about the hasty Manzibar Island expedition to rescue Princess Alice Windsor and Miss Elizabeth Roosevelt from the clutches of the malevolent Ragnar Khan II. Holmes briefly related the facts you my dear readers already know as I finish with his dénouement."

"It is a matter of the blackest treachery, General, said Holmes. "It ended this way...."

"According to my highly placed source, Ragnar Khan II's forces were creditably thumped on the first day of the battle by your protege Brigadier Grandmaison. After strenuous frontal attacks, they fell back behind the Undunga Creek followed by British and American Rescue Forces. The latter chose to reorganize rather than push on with the sun soon to set. Later the enemy became discombobulated at night when a Blood Red Moon frightened them causing almost all to run. It was on the occasion of this confusion that Princess Alice and Miss Roosevelt perceived an opportunity to escape, did so and after some adventure reached our lines. The next day...."


"Khan rallied his dispirited warriors."

"Small numbers returned on his right with similar...."

"Poor results to his left."

"Whilst our left stood to opposing Khan's right as...." 

"Reserves just landed marched up from behind."

"Our Right Flank allies were similarly ready awaiting...."

"Their own recently landed reserves."

"In the pause before recommencement of hostilities, Brigadier Grandmaison ordered two American cavalrymen to escort the ladies...."

"Back to the beach landing area...."

"Where they boarded a whaleboat immediately departing to the safety of...."

"HMS Zanzibar."


"It was at this moment that the Khan shockingly erupted regular Askaris with indigenous warriors into our left flank."

"They had secretly forced marched through the jungle."

"Our Royal Marine and Sailor Shore Party at first turned insufficiently as they foe boldly came on with elan." 

"Warriors charged while the line was adjusting but were thankfully beaten back."

"Whilst nearby one of the two Askari battalions presented close fire."

"Soon both enemy battalions formed a long impenetrable firing line which could not be overcome by our dwindling number of rifles."

"The Americans courageously sent aid but it was too little and too late. The game was already lost." 

"Our left was decimated with remnants backing to the beach."


"The warriors opposite the Americans came on indolently due to their rough handling the day and evening before." (A scenario design flaw.)

"However, their courage rose as they neared our Allies in a charge."

"Khan's Lancers got the better of our fewer horsemen, but the line held."

"However, with our left hanging in the wind, the Americans wisely withdrew to the beach. There they awaited whaleboats to return to the squadron as our warships kept Khan's victorious force from further mischief by naval gunfire."

"And Grandmaison?, inquired the General.

"I'm afraid he is very much discouraged. Some argue he is a disgrace while others are demanding his Court Marshal."

"Can you do anything for him, Sherlock?"

"General, this is purely a military matter. Still I have surmised several strings of evidence which are in his favor. It has the hallmarks of a malignant trap from which Napoleon himself could not have escaped. More data is essential though. I will investigate further offering my findings to his military solicitor," offered Holmes. "And...."

"I see our time has run out General because...."

"The official government dispatch surely arrives with this elegantly uniformed officer of The Guides. We'll leave you with him and depart for London. Watson, we will board the 3:25 afternoon train back to Waterloo Station. Goodbye General Pettygree. We will be in touch."


"It is imprudent for me to reveal more than a little about  subsequent investigations in which my friend Holmes with his extraordinary powers of investigation and connections caused the Court Martial to find Grandmaison not negligent. His sword point was turned away from conviction and after a respite in Switzerland, he plans to return to duty. I will only say that state secrets were involved to thwart a man of such malignance that the world, if it knew he exists, would be pleased to imprison he and his confederates for life."

"Let me leave you only with the following as I know it today."

"After the battle, Ragnar Khan II left Manzibar Island aboard a submarine in the service of The German Republic arriving at Penang in The Malay States. From there he made his way back by various means to Bombay to rendezvous with his benefactor whose name must remain undisclosed for now."  
"Holmes learned about a conversation overheard at the airfield. Apparently the benefactor congratulated Khan on his more than successful trap to annoy the great powers by the kidnaping ruse, to cause resource consumption and future destabilizations. The sum of a million in sterling was mentioned for a new diabolical plan involving Khan, several other malcontents and an obscure entity named Alexander. Holmes said it early on. It is the blackest treachery though how he knew this escapes me. More I cannot say."