Saturday, April 10, 2010

Chapter 32: Imperial Deployment

Date: 16 October 1899
Location: Two Miles From The Escarpment Camp
Situation: Imperial Battle Line Formed Six Hours After The Sunrise Battle Of The 16th
BTW: Images expand amazingly if clicked 1-2 times

Left Flank: Seaforth Highland Battalion refused wing, 1st Indian 2.5" Mountain Battery, an old 12 Pdr. smooth-bore and Lt. Gill's troop of lancers forming a screen on the stream's left bank.

Left Center: 2/10th Hussar reserve behind the Seaforths and the 1st Sikhs in the upper right.

Center: 1st Sikh  Battalion with baggage behind a reverse slope.

Center Right: 1st Sikhs still in view with the 66th Berkshires in square. General Pettygree is in the upper center listening to his ADC Major Mitchell as Lt. Col. Preece (10th Hussars) rides up.

Major Mitchell: "No enemy in sight General except...."
General Pettygree: "Except for that cheeky KHAN and his standard on the ridge."
Major Mitchell: "A point de veu, surely?"
General Pettygree: "Aye."

Center Right: Berkshires in square.

Right Flank: On a side table a detachment of 9th Bengal Lancers, the 15 Pdr.. Elephant Battery with a screen of Bombay Miners and Sappers await orders.

While KHAN watches the Imperial deployment apparently with unconcern. 
1. Seaforths kindly on loan from Der Alte Fritz.
2. The first part of the battle has been played and photographed.
3. Return soon to learn what happened.
4. Remarks welcome below. Click on the word comments.


Anonymous said...

We await the results of the battle. Barring some type of magic, the Kahn seems to be greatly outnumbered.


Paul Liddle said...

I reckon Khan has something up his sleeve.
Excellent stuff as always,I sat and read all your chapters recently and thoroughly enjoyed them.


Gallia said...

Thank you Earl and Paul,
More will be explained soon.

Larry Stehle said...

If the Khan is unconcerned, I would be......

I too await the unveiling of the The Khan's "master plan"!